


生物学 majors at 澳门受权博彩网站 design their curriculum to meet personal career and education objectives with a wide range of independent study opportunities, 比如实习项目, 高级研究和指导阅读.

不管强调什么, 所有生物学专业的学生都修植物学的基础课程, 动物学, 进化, 微生物学和生物学原理, 还有数学和化学.

These and related subjects will prepare students for advanced training in the medical professions and provide the background to qualify for examinations, such as the MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test) and PCAT (Pharmacy College Admissions Test) as well as graduate school.


医学预科学生通常选择生物学学位, 生物化学或化学, 但是没有特定的学位要求. 有些人攻读心理学学位. The important fact is to ensure the prerequisite coursework for the schools to which you are applying have been met. Students will need to ensure this on a case-by-case basis; TU is not able to do this for you.

大多数医学预科申请者在第三年结束时参加MCAT考试. 正是出于这个原因,你可以选择加速科学课程的学习. 这件事要尽快和你的导师讨论.

根据美国医学院协会的说法, 大多数医学院要求以下课程, 虽然这在不同的学校有所不同. Again, it is your responsibility to review the requirements of any post-bachelor's degree program.

  • 一年生物课程
  • 一年物理
  • 一年英语课程
  • 两年化学(通过有机)

医学院入学考试(MCAT)是一项标准化的考试, 多项选择题考试旨在评估你的问题解决能力, 批判性思维, 自然知识, 行为, 而社会科学的概念和原理是研究医学的前提.

2015年4月,AAMC推出了新版MCAT考试. 分数分为四个部分:

  • 生命系统的生物学和生化基础
  • 生物系统的化学和物理基础
  • 行为的心理、社会和生物学基础
  • 批判性分析和推理能力


Note: Many schools do not accept “survey” or “non-majors” courses and/or non-lab or online courses.

兽医预科的学生通常会选择生物学学位, but the important fact is to ensure the prerequisite coursework for the schools to which you are applying have been met. Students will need to ensure this on a case-by-case basis; TU is not able to do this for you.

兽医研究生院的常见申请是完成的. See this website for a pre-requisite requirements grid for a majority of veterinarian graduate schools and for information on the common application process. 申请通常在九月份完成. 一般来说,GRE是必需的,尽管有些学校会接受MCAT.

Prospective pre-vet candidates should review each school to which they intend to apply to ensure proper requisites are met, 但典型的课程包括:

  • 生物学
  • 无机化学
  • 有机化学
  • 生物化学
  • 物理
  • 数学统计
  • 英语作文
  • 人文和社会科学
  • 遗传学
  • 微生物学

Note: Many schools do not accept “survey” or “non-majors” courses and/or non-lab or online courses.


在物理治疗专业的学生中,最常见的本科专业包括运动科学, 生物学, 运动学和心理学. 在选择大学专业时, consider how you will you satisfactorily complete the prerequisite courses for your designated physical therapist programs in addition to the college/university's degree and major requirements. 和你的学术顾问一起计划你的课程安排. 有关最新申请人的大学专业的更多信息,请参阅 PTCAS申请人数据报告.

一个常见的申请是完成物理治疗研究生院. 有关通用申请流程的信息,请参阅本网站. 申请通常在九月份完成. http://www.The UPhysical Therapy协会.org/ProspectiveStudents/Admissions/PTProcess/


Typically required for PT school admission is volunteer and/or paid internship experience in a PT setting.

Prospective pre-physical therapy candidates should review each school to which they intend to apply to ensure proper requisites are met, 但典型的课程作业包括以下列表. Note: Many schools do not accept “survey” or “non-majors” courses and/or non-lab or online courses.


  • 解剖/ A&p1带实验室.
  • 生理/ A&p2带实验室.
  • 生物学1(不是植物学或动物学)
  • 生物学2(不是植物学或动物学)
  • 普通化学1带实验室.
  • 普通化学2带实验室.
  • 普通物理1带实验室.
  • 普通物理2带实验室


Note: The physical therapist assistant (PTA) programs are NOT considered to be a stepping-stone to a professional physical therapist (PT) program. The PTA curriculum differs from that of the physical therapist and does NOT provide the needed prerequisites required for physical therapist education. Less than two percent of enrolled students were PTAs prior to enrolling in a PT education program.

寻求参加医师助理项目的学生通常选择生物学学位, but the important fact is to ensure the prerequisite coursework for the schools to which you are applying have been met.

根据美国执业医师学会(AAPA), 许多研究生课程要求以下课程, 虽然这在不同的学校有所不同. Again, it is your responsibility to review the requirements of any post-bachelor's degree program. Prospective Pre-PA candidates should review each school to which they intend to apply to ensure proper requisites are met:

  • 化学
  • 生理学
  • 解剖学
  • 微生物学
  • 生物学

Note: Many schools do not accept “survey” or “non-majors” courses and/or non-lab or online courses and require a 核心应用程序. 许多私人助理项目还要求有医疗保健经验,有动手护理病人的经验. 事实上, most students have a bachelor’s degree and about three years of healthcare experience before entering a program. 医疗保健经验可以通过以下认证获得(不是详尽的列表):

EMT /护理人员物理治疗师助理.

那些对佛罗里达州立大学感兴趣的学生应该考虑参加 PAS 2050作为临时学生. 在FSU注册的学生可以参加PAS 2050课程, 私人助理职业导论, 免除500小时的最低工作时间要求. This course is an intensive exploratory course designed for individuals considering a career as a PA. 然而, 目的不是让申请人没有病人护理经验, 而是为那些在入学时没有达到500小时大关的学生准备的. Minimal patient care hours will likely reflect negatively on the applicant during the student selection process.


生物学 students will be required to take ETS 生物学 Major Fields Test prior to graduation (senior year), 虽然毕业不需要特定的分数.

项目主任:博士. LeAnna Willison  229-226-1621 ext 1064; Dr. Deana Baker 229-226-1621转1103



  • 作文我
  • 作文二世
  • 专业人士口语交流
  • 大学研究
  • 大学代数
  • 统计数据
  • 科学选修课(1节课)
  • 探究选修课(2课时)
  • 创意选修课(2节课)
  • 文化基础选修课(3节课)


  • 生物学我
  • 生物二世
  • 化学我
  • 化学二世
  • 微生物学
  • 生态
  • 动物学
  • 植物学
  • 进化
  • 遗传学
  • 生物学写作
  • 高级研讨会





A degree in 生物学 prepares individuals for a wide variety of occupations as well as those preparing students interested in careers in medicine, 牙科, 药店, 兽医, 或者其他专业学校的课程.  Students in these areas of pre-professional schooling and other graduate studies will find they are exceptionally well prepared to take any required professional qualifying exam.

Some additional occupations available for students with a degree in 生物学 include positions in agriculture, 化学和材料测试及许多行业.  欲了解更多就业机会信息,请访问 劳工统计局.


没有上过大学的学生,请提供正式的高中成绩单或GED. Students with prior college credit  must submit official transcripts from all previously attended colleges.

将正式成绩单寄至 admissions@devilledistribution.com.


托马斯维尔,GA 31792

澳门受权博彩网站招收学生 18个不同的未成年人 对于正在寻找特定职业重点的学生. 下面列出了一些与生物学相关的未成年人.


The 环境科学 Program at 澳门受权博彩网站 is a collaborative learning environment dedicated to the sustainable use of natural resources.

通过课程设置, 研讨会, 与当地政府和资源团体进行独立研究和合作研究, 这个项目提供了一个跨学科的政治视角, 法律, 心理, 文化, 影响人与环境关系的行为和社会力量.

Humans are an integral component of the ecosystem and have the responsibility to alleviate global problems, 比如自然资源枯竭, 环境退化, 生物多样性丧失与贫困.

对自然资源保护有兴趣的同学, 野生动物管理或环境问题的课程涉及资源问题, 比如保护生物学, 生态, 野外生物学和环境科学. These and related subjects will prepare students for advanced study at the graduate level or for a career in 资源管理, 环境规划或环境法规与当地, 状态, 联邦政府, 或者是一家环境咨询公司.


  • 环境科学
  • 海洋学
  • 环境系统
  • 保护系统
  • 物理科学原理

环境科学家和专家努力收集, monitor and analyze information concerning environmental conditions to protect the environment and human health.

美国.S. 劳工统计局 is projecting an 11% increase in positions in this career field through 2026 (faster than average).

来源: 劳工统计局


地理信息系统是在许多职业中使用的一项市场技能. 这个令人振奋的, 动手技能在以下行业具有职业潜力:军事和国防, 城市规划, 公用事业和基础设施, 资源管理, 环境研究, 以及紧急服务. 学生可以使用GAPP(地理空间分析规划) & 保护中心, 其中包含最先进的GIS和GPS(全球定位系统)技术.


  • 地理位置
  • GIS我
  • GIS二世
  • 地理信息系统-保育
  • GIS实习

使用地理信息系统的个人研究地球及其土地分布, 特性, 和居民. They also examine political or 文化 structures and study the physical and human geographic characteristics of regions ranging in scale from local to global.

GIS系统广泛应用于包括商业在内的各行各业, 政府, 城市规划, 公用事业公司, 资源管理和应急服务.

来源: 劳工统计局


化学 is the scientific study of properties and composition of matter and the laws that govern them. 它是包括生物学在内的许多研究领域的基础. A minor in chemistry at TU complements many fields of study preparing students for careers or graduate studies in life sciences, 医学或其他与健康相关的领域. 课程的重点是无机的, 有机和生物化学旨在加强对生命过程的理解.


  • 化学我
  • 化学二世
  • 有机化学I
  • 有机化学II
  • 生物化学
A minor in 化学 prepares students for a wide variety of careers and graduate studies in life sciences, 医学(医疗, 药店 and veterinary) and other health-related careers as well as positions in agriculture and manufacturing. 来源: 劳工统计局




托马斯维尔,GA 31792